Impact Committee
The purpose of the Impact Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibility of the implementation and continued development of the organisational strategies and related impact measurement. Responsibilities of the Committee include but are not limited to; ensuring strategy aligned development and implementation of impactful and sustainable domestic programmes, advocacy campaigns, fundraising and marketing initiatives to address housing issues in Hong Kong and support overseas programmes and projects.

Professor, Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong

Alex Barnes
Managing Director, Hong Kong & Macau

Regional President APAC, TransUnion

蔡宏興 太平紳⼠
Former Executive Director and CEO, Chinachem Group

Karen Lee
香港理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院空間 項目經理 I

Board Director
Managing Director, FGS Global

Thomas Huang
Senior Associate – People & Organization – Consulting, PwC Mainland China and Hong Kong


Zoe Zuo
Managing Director, Co-Head China Real Estate, Angelo Gordon