Our policy work

Our Public Policy Work: towards a rights perspective to housing

Housing is not simply a commodity, yet shifting away from this mindset can be a challenge. We believe that a policy approach based on the right to adequate housing can put emphasis where it belongs – on the vital function of housing as a place to live. The Hong Kong SAR Government has committed to fulfilling the right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate housing. A rights-based policy approach can play a key role in meeting this commitment while improving living conditions for tenants in substandard shelter and strengthening access to affordable housing for members of traditionally disadvantaged groups.

We believe that adequate housing can be transformational. As a foundation from which to access employment, education, and health services, housing can be a strong driver of socioeconomic inclusion and a pathway out of poverty. At Habitat Hong Kong, we support policies that ensure housing is affordable, offers secure tenure, is habitable and provides basic services, and is accessible to all.